Dear seeker of truth

You heard Teachers or some people saying you have God in you or Buddhist say you have Buddha in you.
Truth is they want to say: your trueself it is as high as God or as high as Buddha.
I don’t want you mistake, in this point of the time still you have to pass through false blockage to reach to our trueself.
Until now God and his groups are blocking and holding the door of the entrance to ourselves.
In India, realize people telling to their student’s to pray God or to Female God. That's because they have to allow you to pass this blockage what is God and His Female part and His group created for human being.

Again I’m referring to Bible.
God says one of his day is like 1000 years for us. That means in his one day maybe 15 to 20 generation of human born and die. Faster we go, it make us more invisible. That trick he made for we not be able to reach him and force him to free us.

Again I go back to Indian Teachers and other spiritual Teacher.
By reaching him and catching him and forcing him to open this door he create, only way is to slow down. In this journey you have to be slow and patient, that we call meditation, and ignore this false passage of time. If you can ignore the passage of time you can be in the moment and in the moment nothing is important. All the false worries are fainting and really truth of yourself gradually start to show.


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