Truth about reaching to enlightenment

To reaching to enlightenment or other words to know your own trueself.

Biggest enemy or barrier we have to get there it is mind.
One of the most useful meditation is Buddhist meditation. By doing that many people reaching to stop their mind, but still they didn’t reach to themselves.
Truth is when your mind stop, everything you know is stop, your sense of doing is stop, and usually trueself is rotated or it is in sleep. Who is mind is stop has no ability to waken his own trueself.
Because of that one person needs helps of other who already waken and passed through.


Sometimes people asking me about aliens: they exist or not? They are good beings or not?
Yes, alien is exist and more than millions of races of aliens came to earth for judgment day .
Last 50 years they were coming more and more and they become heavily over crowded in earth.
Reason we cannot see them, they can shield themselves from our eyes and some group of them it is in energy form, and they occupy the space differently from human.

In this point of time, I don’t talk about all those things happen through them to human being.