Kung Fu Toa Mirzaii Style - Atado - Complete

  Students of Teacher Shahram Kasiri asked him to teach us about Kung Fu.

Hopefully, it is useful to whoever likes to learn.


Please remember to warm up before exercising 5 minutes videos here: https://truth-of-existence.blogspot.com/2021/05/kung-fu-toa-mirzaii-style-lesson-6-warm.html And review the most important technic of Anatoa: https://truth-of-existence.blogspot.com/2021/05/kung-fu-toa-mirzaii-style-lesson-6-warm.html


Kung Fu To'a 1984-85: Master Shahram Kasiri

One of dear friend of us from Portugal, second generation of the Kung Fu To’a students, Mister Ivan Dias, he is doing documentary movie as a professional. He wishes to make documentary about Teacher. He already visited Teacher in Thailand to make sure he can bring his crew to make documentary film about Teacher. He was planning to come back to Thailand in less than one month. Sadly that Covid-19 started rising. He still not success to come and make his documentary yet. But dear Ivan collected these TV shows and some of the films Teacher had in the past, he put it together. Teacher would like to put it online for whoever wish to see, welcome to it. Teacher says Thanks to Ivan and his work. If in future he has a chance to come, I hope I make a better job. Teacher sends his love for whoever wish to have. Thank you