Truth of Existence: Judgment Day

The Truth of Existence

This is the secret of Existence. If you are ready, read it. If you are not ready, just pass.

I was involved with Judgment Day. It started on the 15th January 1996.  After 10 years of suffering, extreme suffering and many matters, in the end I brought judgment day into the presence of God.  At that time, God was almighty. We were not allowed to look at him directly.  I came with my head down.  He was above. He said "What do you want?" I said: "We finished our Judgment Day." God said: "OK". I said "We brought it to your presence to see it." Finally, with his bitterness and mightiness, he turned, he was not very happy. He looked at the 10 years of judgment day. He looked and said: "WOW! Then I did everything. I did all the crimes." He added: "Tear me to pieces and bring me to justice."

What does that mean? That means that if someone goes stealing in somebody else's house, God put him in the condition of need, strong need, until he has no choice but to steal. He saw that all the good things that happen humans did themselves. All the bad things that happen, God did them himself. That is what he admitted that day. If you want to believe it, it is up to you. If you don't want to believe it, just go and suffer further and suffer more until one day maybe you wake up.

We don't have any desire to convince you that what we say it is the truth. We leave it up to you.